Monday, October 28, 2019 Keynote Presentations Why Biogeographic Origins Matter to Invasion Science Anthony Ricciardi, Redpath Museum, McGill University, Canada The Impact of Invasive Alien Crustacea and Parasitic Diseases on Aquatic Ecosystems, and Opportunities to Slow their Spread Alison Dunn, University of Leeds, England Session A1: Impacts on Biodiversity and Ecosystems Villains in a Half-Shell: Assessing the Impacts and Risks of Emerging and Future Invasive Alien Species James W.E. Dickey, Queen’s University Belfast Invasive Wetland Grass Influences Secondary Productivity and Aerial Insectivore Birds Courtney Robichaud, University of Waterloo Egeria densa (Brazilian waterweed): An Ecosystem Engineer and “Blue Carbon” Sink Judith Z. Drexler, U.S. Geological Survey Non-native Chain Pickerel and Smallmouth Bass Integration and Impacts in Maritimes Freshwater Food Webs Jason E. LeBlanc, Nova Scotia Fisheries and Aquaculture Session A2: New Developments in Management and Control Barring the Way to Asian Carp Invasion of Quebec Inland River Systems Rémy Pouliot, Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs Grass Carp Incident Command Exercise: Two Levels of Government Coming Together Becky Cudmore, Fisheries and Oceans Canada Experimental eDNA Studies in Two Complex Riverine Systems to Improve Invasive Species Detection Guillaume Côté, Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs du Québec Bridging Science and Enforcement – An Invasive Species Management Approach in British Columbia Martina Beck, British Columbia Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy Session A3: Policy and Public Outreach Dreissenid Prevention across the Pacific Northwest, USA Stephen Phillips, Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission Watercraft Inspection and Decontamination Programs in the Western Region of the United States Debra Davis, Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission Aquatic Invasive Species Outreach – Zebra Quagga Mussel Prevention in Columbia Shuswap, British Columbia Canada Robyn Hooper, Columbia Shuswap Invasive Species Society and Erin Vieira, Shuswap Watershed Council Testing the Use of Metaphor and Message Framing on Audience Engagement with Advertising to Prevent the Spread of Aquatic Invasive Species Tim Campbell, University of Wisconsin Division of Extension, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Session B1: Emerging Vectors, Pathways and Invasion Threats The Eurasian Tench (Tinca tinca): A Globally Invasive Fish Arrives in the Great Lakes Suncica Avlijas, McGill University Population Dynamics and Distribution of Tench (Tinca tinca) in the St. Lawrence River: Managing a Problematic Invader Jaclyn Hill, Fisheries and Oceans Canada Habitat Utilization and Recruitment Sources of Eurasian Tench in the St. Lawrence River by Otolith Microchemistry Olivier Morissette, Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs du Québec Zebra Mussels in Lake Winnipeg: Elucidating Invasion Pathways using Population Genetics Mattias Johansson, University of North Georgia Session B2: New Developments in Management and Control Eradication of Invasive Roach (Rutilus rutilus). Rotenone Distribution and Degradation in Three Norwegian Lakes Roar Sandodden, Norwegian Veterinary Institute Glyphosate Effects and Accumulation in Wetland Macrophytes Grown in Outdoor Microcosms Verena Sesin, Trent University The Distribution and Impact of Eccritotarsus catarinensis and Eccritotarsus eichhorniae on Water Hyacinth in South Africa Zolile Maseko, Rhodes University Fighting an Invasive Fish Parasite in Complex Subarctic Norwegian Rivers. The End of a Long Story? Pal Adolfsen, Norwegian Veterinary Institute Session B3: Policy and Public Outreach Using Knowledge Surveys to Inform Education and Outreach Initiatives on Asian Carps in Canada Rebecca Schroeder, Invasive Species Centre Using Mock Scenarios to Improve Rapid Response in Pennsylvania Sara Stahlman, Pennsylvania Sea Grant Novel Educational Tools and Best Practices for Increasing Awareness and Knowledge on Prevention and Management of Invasive Alien Species Laura Verbrugge, University of Twente, Department of Water Engineering and Management An Assessment of the Buddhist Practice of Life Release in the Mississippi River Basin Tim Campbell, University of Wisconsin Division of Extension, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Session C1: Emerging Vectors, Pathways and Invasion Threats Characterizing the Distribution Network of Aquatic Species-in-Trade: Towards a Pathway-level Risk Assessment Farrah Chan, Fisheries and Oceans Canada Freshwater Snails and Mussels for Sale: The Ornamental Pet Trade as Pathway for Introduction of Invasive Alien Molluscs Frank Collas, Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands Centre of Expertise for Aquatic Species (NEC-E) Silent Invaders – Ornamental Fish as a Leading Invader of Australian Freshwaters Mariah Millington, Griffith University Horizon Scan of Invasive Alien Species – Predicting the Next Invasions for the Island of Ireland Frances Lucy, Institute of Technology Sligo Session C2: New Developments in Management and Control Utilizing an Adaptive Management Approach for Invasive Species Management: Lessons Learned from Implementing the Phragmites Adaptive Management Framework Samantha Tank, Great Lakes Commission Developing Practical Biosecurity Recommendations for the use of High-Pressure Hot Water Spray Machines Stephanie J. Bradbeer, University of Leeds The Use of TAED Derived Peracetic Acid as a Novel Agent for the Control of Zebra Mussels Allister Theobald, Warwick Chemicals Preventing Dreissenid Mussel Settlement in a Flow-Through System: Is Carbon Dioxide a Sustainable Option? Diane Waller, U.S. Geological Survey, Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center Session C3: Policy and Public Outreach Great Lakes Aquatic Nonindigenous Species Gap Analysis Rochelle Sturtevant, Michigan Sea Grant Community Science to Capture the Leading Edge of an Invasion: European Green Crab on Washington State’s Inland Shorelines Emily W. Grason, Washington Sea Grant Revisiting Classrooms and School Science Projects as Pathways for Invasive Species Samuel Chan, Oregon Sea Grant College Program Crisis and Risks: the Sargassum Invasion in the Caribbean Islands Florence Ménez, Université des Antilles, Laboratoire caribéen des sciences sociales Tuesday, October 29, 2019 Keynote Presentations Managing Invasions on Land; What’s Worked, What Hasn’t, and What Might Daniel Simberloff, Nancy Gore Hunger Professor of Environmental Studies, University of Tennessee – Knoxville, USA Multiple Environmental Stressors Shape Community Response to Non-native Species Shelley Arnott, Department of Biology, Queen’s University, Canada Session D1: Emerging Vectors, Pathways and Invasion Threats Risks and Management of Invasive Alien Crayfish Species in the Rhine-Meuse River Delta Rob Leuven, Radboud University Nijmegen Tackling Unintentional Pathways of Introduction and Spread of Invasive Alien Freshwater Species in Belgium Dido Gosse and Jane Reniers, National Scientific Secretariat on Invasive Alien Species – Belgium Mosquito Larvae Associated with the Water Lettuce “Pistia stratiotes” in a Lagoon of the Magdalena River, Barranquilla, Colombia Mara Méndez Costa, Universidad del Atlántico Invasive Freshwater Mosquitoes as Emerging Disease Vectors Along a Caribbean Basin—Appalachian Plateau Transect David Bruce Conn, Berry College Session D2: New Developments in Management and Control Recovery of a South African Native Fish Population after the Eradication of an Invasive Fish Rowshyra Castaneda, University of Toronto Scarborough Structured Decision Making and Adaptive Management for AIS Responses: An Application to Grass Carp in Lake Erie Lucas Nathan, Michigan Department of Natural Resources A New Approach to Manage Common Carp: Citizen-aided Carp Management Przemek Bajer, University of Minnesota, MAISRC A Non-structural Fish Deterrent: Variation in Avoidance Responses across Species, and within Invasive Common Carp Paul Bzonek, University of Toronto Scarborough Session D3: Policy and Public Outreach Engaging High School Students as Collaborators in Ecological Investigation of the Columbia River Estuary: Lessons from a Transdisciplinary University-High School Partnership Gretchen Rollwagen-Bollens, Washington State University Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s Role with Aquatic Invasive Species in the Prairies Timothy Gingera, Fisheries and Oceans Canada Regional Operationalization of Canada’s Federal Aquatic Invasive Species Regulation Brendan Spearin, Fisheries and Oceans Canada Bridging the Gap between Invasive Species Research and Management Carrie J. Brown-Lima, Cornell University Session E1: Emerging Vectors, Pathways and Invasion Threats Exotic Parasites in European Freshwater Ecosystems: The Neglected and Forgotten Invaders Jean-Nicolas Beisel, Université de Strasbourg – ENGEES The Neglected Pathway for Marine Alien Species: Biofouling Alexander Smolders, Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority Phylogeography and Origin of Invasive Fish Perccottus glenii in Europe Tomasz Rewicz, University of Lodz Phylogeography of the Invasive Amphipod (Crustacea) Pontogammarus robustoides in Native and Colonized Range Tomasz Rewicz, University of Lodz Session E2: New Developments in Management and Control Analyzing the Decision Basis for Aquatic Invasive Species Management Edwin D. Grosholz, University of California, Davis Evaluating the Recovery of Native Marsh Communities after Herbicide-based P. australis Control Rebecca Rooney, University of Waterloo Effective Citizen Participation in Eradication of Invasive Alien Plant Species Annerie Rutenfrans, Beleef & Weet Invaders Must Die: Mortality of Invasive Macrophytes, Bivalves, and Crustacean Species following Exposure to Aquatic Disinfectants or Steam Treatments Neil Coughlan, Queen’s University Belfast Session E3: Ecophysiology and Adaptive Evolution of Invaders Predicting the Effects of Thermal Stress on Native and Invasive Fishes in Ontario Streams Meagan M. Kindree, University of Toronto Could Water Temperature Stop the Round Goby Invasion Mariusz R. Sapota, University of Gdansk Morphological Differentiation in Trophic Traits of Round Goby across Multiple Invasion Events Leopold Nagelkerke, Wageningen University & Research, Aquaculture Fisheries Group Is Salinity an Obstacle for Biological Invasions? Elizabeta Briski, GEOMAR Session F1: Emerging Vectors, Pathways and Invasion Threats Metabarcoding Reveals Deep Diversity in Ballast Water John Darling, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Testing Ship-borne Species Spread Models with a Global eDNA Metabarcoding Survey Dataset Erin K. Grey, Governors State University Evaluation of a DNA Cell Proliferation Assay as a Cell Viability Measurement Technique Vanessa Molina, Excet Inc. Predicting Hot Spots for Marine Aquatic Invasions in the Arctic Jesica Goldsmit, Fisheries and Oceans Canada The Invasive Crayfish Collaborative: Bringing Together Research, Management, Outreach and Industry to Address a Threat to the Laurentian Great Lakes Greg Hitzroth, Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant, Illinois Natural History Survey Session F3: Ecophysiology and Adaptive Evolution of Invaders It is Going to be a Stormy Ride: Effect of Airflow on Survival of Dreissenids during Overland Transport Frank P.L. Collas, Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands Centre of Expertise for Exotic Species (NEC-E) Lygodium microphyllum Spore Viability Collected from Soil samples in Hydric Habitats Jeffrey T. Hutchinson, University of Texas San Antonio Variation in Traits that Influence Invasion Success in Clones of the New Zealand Mud Snail, Potamopyrgus antipodarum Edward P. Levri, Penn State Altoona Habitat Degradation Promotes Non-native Fish Occurrences in Tropical Forest Streams Kenny W.J. Chua, National University of Singapore Temperature Effects on Exploratory Behaviour and Learning Ability of Invasive Mosquitofish Kit Magellan, University of Hong Kong Wednesday, October 30, 2019 Keynote Presentations The Many Ways in which Humans Assist Biological Invaders Post-Arrival Emma Johnston, University of New South Wales, Australia Impacts of Species Invasions in a Changing World Cascade Sorte, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of California Irvine, USA Session G1: Impacts on Biodiversity and Ecosystems Do Biological Invasions Mask the Effects of Ecological Restoration? A Case Study on the Old Rhine River (France-Germany) Cybill Staentzel, Laboratoire Image, Ville, Environnement de Strasbourg Interactions Between Invasive Ponto-Caspian Goby Species and their Impact on Native Fishes in a Large Lowland River System Hugo Verreycken, Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO) Plankton Community Change due to Bythotrephes Invasion Uncouples Indicators of Water Quality in Eutrophic Lake Mendota Jake R. Walsh, University of Wisconsin – Madison Center for Limnology Biogeography Influences Endolithic Parasitism of Coexisting Invasive and Indigenous Mussel Species Aldwin Ndhlovu, Rhodes University Session G2: New Developments in Managementand Control The Great Lakes Fishery Commission: Cooperative Management of the Great Lakes Ted Lawrence, Great Lakes Fishery Commission Assessing the Effectiveness of a Passive Size-based Selective Fish passage for Managing Sea Lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) McLean R. Smith, University of Guelph Getting to a Decision: Using Structured Decision Making to Gain Consensus on Approaches to Invasive Species Control Brett van Poorten, British Columbia Ministryof Environment and Climate Change Strategy Developing a Bilateral Management Plan for European Green Crab in the Salish Sea: Advances and Challenges Thomas W. Therriault, Fisheries and Oceans Canada Predicting Invader Ecological Impacts in a Changing World: Further Development of Key Metrics Based on Relative Impact Potential (RIP) and Comparative Functional Responses (CFR) Jaimie T.A. Dick, Queen’s University Belfast Pushing the Switch: Lionfish Show Adaptive Foraging Behaviour under Multiple Resources Scenarios Monica McCard, Queen’s University Belfast Keep on RIPing in the Free World: New Metrics to Predict and Assess the Ecological Impacts of Aquatic Invaders James W.E. Dickey, Queen’s University Belfast Session H1: Impacts on Biodiversity and Ecosystems Predicting the Effects of Reintroducing a Native Predator (European eel, Anguilla anguilla) into a Freshwater Community Dominated by Alien Species Phillip J. Haubrock, Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum Frankfurt Prayer Animal Release: An Overlooked Pathway for Introduction of Invasive Aquatic Species Kit Magellan, 1niversity of Battambang A Novel Survey Technique Provides Unique Insights into Invasion Biology, Ecological Impacts and Potential Management of Signal Crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) Eleri Pritchard, University of College London, Department of Geography, King’s College London Balancing SAR Protection and Invasive Species Management: Phragmites australis Management in the Long Point Region Heather Braun, Environment and Climate Change Canada Session H2: New Developments in Management and Control A Research Path to Achieving Control of Dreissenid Mussels throughout Entire Lakes Daniel P. Molloy, Molloy & Associates, LLC eDNA: Bridging the Gap Between Science and Management Stephanie Sardelis, Fisheries and Oceans Canada Using eDNA Surveys to Detect Small Populations of Non-native Fishes Phil I. Davison, CEFAS, Bournemouth University Sequencing and Assembly of the Quagga Mussel (Dreissena rostriformis bugensis) Genome: A Tool for Development of Biocontrols Yale Passamaneck, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Session H3: Predictive Ecology and Risk Assessment Biotic Resistance from Native Predators Predicts Mosquito Invasion Success and Informs Biocontrol Strategies Ross Cuthbert, Queen’s University Belfast Predicting Impacts of Invasive Fishes across Habitat Types Suncica Avlijas, McGill University Influence of Climate Warming on the Ecological Impacts of Invasive Crayfishes Victoria Chicatun, McGill University Predicting Grass Carp Spawning Success using a 3-D Hydrodynamic Model Tej Heer, University of Toronto Scarborough Session I1: Impacts on Biodiversity and Ecosystems Long-Term Invasion Impacts: Coexistence or Extirpation for Native Mussels in the Dreissena Era? Lyubov E. Burlakova, Buffalo State College Quantifying the Ecological Impacts of Invasive Freshwater Fish through a Controlled Release Experiment Ciara L.O. McGlade, Queen’s University Belfast The Role of Native Marine Predators in Regulating Invasions: A South African Case-Study Mhairi Alexander, University of the West of Scotland Invasive Species Change Ecosystem Functions in Lake Constance Piet Spaak, Eawag Invasive Species Sleeper Populations: How Important Are They and What Do They Mean for Management? Michael Spear, University of Wisconsin – Madison Session I2: New Developments in Management and Control Alien Species Management Policies in the Trilateral Wadden Sea Saa Kabuta, Rijkswaterstaat, Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management Lessons Learned from Broad-spectrum Early-detection Monitoring in the Laurentian Great Lakes Anett Trebitz, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Development of a Coordinated Regional Program to Monitor for Dreissenid Mussels in the Columbia River Basin Timothy D. Counihan, U.S. Geological Survey Avoidance Behavior of Cold-, Cool-, and Warm-water Fish Species to Zequanox®, a Biopesticide for Dreissenid Mussel Control Matthew Barbour, U.S. Geological Survey, Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center MPN Validation across North America using Genomic Tools Brian Petri, Trojan Technologies Session I3: Predictive Ecology and Risk Assessment Global Aquatic Species Invasions in Urban Environments Nicholas Mandrak, University of Toronto Scarborough Predicting Non-Native Plant Species Richness with Confidence in Undersampled Watersheds Amy Davis, Ghent University Flood and Storm Tracker (FaST) Tool: Updates after the Initial Storm Season Ian Pfingsten, U.S. Geological Survey (CNT) Predicting Trends in Climate Similarity of Global Aquatic Watersheds Under Multiple Climate-Change Scenarios Justin A.G. Hubbard, University of Toronto Life-history Traits for Predicting Invasiveness in Non-native Freshwater Fishes Gordon H. Copp and Michael Fox, Trent University Thursday, October 31, 2019 Keynote Presentation Colonization Pressure and the Insights of Supply-Side Invasion Ecology Julie Lockwood, Department of Ecology, Evolution and Natural Resources, Rutgers University, USA Session J1: Invasion Dynamics Lake Morphometry Determines Dreissena Invasion Dynamics Alexander Y. Karatayev, Buffalo State College, Great Lakes Center Seasonally Migrating Round Goby in Lake Ontario: A Case of Missing Adults? Chris Pennuto, Buffalo State College, Great Lakes Center Investigating the Effects of Eelgrass and Predation on Fouling Community Composition in a Temperate Estuary Benjamin Rubinoff, University of California Davis Evaluating Upstream Passages and Challenges by Bigheaded Carp at a Mississippi River High-Head Dam Andrea Fritts, U.S. Geological Survey Alien Species Dynamics Within the UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Wadden Sea Adriaan Gittenberger, GiMaRIS Poeciliid Invasion Models Kit Magellan, University of Battambang Session J2: Ballast Water Effects of Ballast Water Exchange and Treatment on Microbial Community Structure John Darling, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Ballast Water Invasion Probability Tool: Simplifying the Application of Scientific Knowledge to Real-time Monitoring Decisions Johanna Bradie, Fisheries and Oceans Canada Evaluating Ballast Water Management Systems to Prevent Biological Invasions Oscar Casas-Monroy, Fisheries and Oceans Canada Scenario-based Cost-effectiveness Analysis of Ballast Water Treatment Strategies Zhaojun Wang, University of Delaware Effectiveness of Ballast Water Exchange Plus Treatment as a Mechanism to Reduce the Introduction and Establishment of Aquatic Invasive Species in Canadian Ports Sarah A. Bailey, Fisheries and Oceans Canada The Best Available Science Supports Most Probable Number (MPN) Testing Methods for Type Approval of Ballast Water Management Systems John Cullen, Dalhousie University Special Session: Integrating Invasion Science and Management Across Realms: Learning from Terrestrial, Marine and Freshwater Experiences Optimal Planning of Invasive Species Surveillance Campaigns Denys Yemshanov, Natural Resources Canada – Canadian Forest Service Risk Assessment: Cornerstone of an Aquatic Invasive Species Program Becky Cudmore, Fisheries and Oceans Canada Experiences in Ballast Water Management across Freshwater and Marine Ecosystems Sarah Bailey, Fisheries and Oceans Canada New Technologies for Invasion Management: Will they Work in Water? Daniel Simberloff, University of Tennessee – Knoxville Asian Long-Horned Beetle versus Emerald Ash Borer Eradication: Even with Good Ingredients You Still Need a Recipe for Success Taylor Scarr, Natural Resources Canada – Canadian Forest Service Biological Control of Invasive Alien Species in the Anthropocene Peter G. Mason, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Overcompensation, Eradication Failure and the Case for Functional Eradication of Aquatic Invasive Species Edwin Grosholz, University of California, Davis |