Conference Proceedings

23rd International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species (ICAIS 2024)

ICAIS is cooperating with the International Association for Open Knowledge on Invasive Species (INVASIVESNET) for publication of ICAIS 2024 conference proceedings in a special issue of the INVASIVESNET open access journal Management of Biological Invasions. Full research articles (both academic and applied papers) based on presentations made during ICAIS 2024 can be submitted for consideration.

We encourage all participants of ICAIS2024 to submit their research papers for publication in the conference proceedings.

The deadline for manuscript submission is November 30, 2024, and authors should use the INVASIVESNET online submission system. Within the cover letter, please state that this submission should be considered for inclusion in the ICAIS 2024 special issue of Management of Biological Invasions. Please see Author Guidelines before submitting your manuscript. Accepted papers will be published online 2-3 weeks after the publication decision (although time to completion may vary due to delays in reviewing times, revisions of manuscripts, and the need for several rounds of reviews)

All papers will be reviewed in accordance with the usual Management of Biological Invasions review processes and cannot be assured of acceptance until they have met the standards for peer review. The guest editors will manage the special issue.

We will offer a regular 15% discount for article processing charges (APCs) for all ICAIS participants, and also additional discounts for INVASIVESNET members. Click here to register and join the Association.

Any questions or inquiries can be directed towards the managing editor of Management of Biological Invasions, Dr. Vadim E. Panov. In particular, please contact Dr. Panov if you are willing to serve as an ICAIS 2024 proceedings guest editor or reviewer.

Dr. Vadim E. Panov
Managing Editor
Management of Biological Invasions
vepanov@gmail.com or mbi_editor@reabic.net

Conference Proceedings 2008 – 2022

22nd International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species
April 18-22, 2022, Oostende, Belgium

Special Issue of Aquatic Invasions (Volume 18, Issue 2): Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species
Edited by Hugo Verreycken
This special issue of Aquatic Invasions includes papers presented at the 22nd International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species held in Oostende, Belgium April 18-22, 2022.

Special Issue of Management of Biological Invasions (Volume 14, Issue 2): Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species
Edited by Mattias Johansson
This special issue of Management of Biological Invasions includes applied papers presented at the 22nd International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species held in Oostende, Belgium, April 18-22, 2022.

The publication of these special issues is supported by the International Association for Open Knowledge on Invasive Alien Species (INVASIVESNET).

21st International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species
October 27-31, 2019, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Special Issue of Aquatic Invasions (March 2021, Volume 16, Issue 1): Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species
Edited by Sarah Bailey, Mattias Johansson, Bonnie Holmes and Oscar Casas-Monroy.

This special issue of Aquatic Invasions includes papers presented at the 21st International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, October 27-31, 2019, and additional research articles on bioinvasions in inland waters.

Special Issue of Management of Biological Invasions (March 2021, Volume 12, Issue 1): Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species
Edited by Sarah Bailey, Mattias Johansson, Brenda Koenig and Linda Shaw.

This special issue of Management of Biological Invasions includes applied papers presented at the 21st International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, October 7-31, 2019.

The publication of these special issues is supported by the International Association for Open Knowledge on Invasive Alien Species (INVASIVESNET, https://www.invasivesnet.org).

20th International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species
October 22-26, 2017, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA

Special Issue of Aquatic Invasions (November 2018, Volume 13, Issue 4): Invasive Species in Inland Waters
Edited by Andrew A. David and Michal Janáč

This special issue of Aquatic Invasions includes papers presented at the 20th International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species (ICAIS) held in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA, October 22–26, 2017, and additional research articles on bioinvasions in inland waters.

Special Issue of Management of Biological Invasions (November 2018, Volume 9, Issue 4): Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species.
Edited by Sarah Bailey, Brenda Koenig, Mattias Johansson and Oscar Casas-Monroy 

This special issue of Management of Biological Invasions includes applied papers presented at the 20th International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species held in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA, October 22–26, 2017. 

The publication of these special issues is supported by the International Association for Open Knowledge on Invasive Alien Species (INVASIVESNET, https://www.invasivesnet.org).

19th International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species
April 10-14, 2016, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
The special ICAIS issue of Management of Biological Invasions that includes eleven papers from ICAIS 2016 is now available online at http://www.reabic.net/journals/mbi/2017/Issue3.aspx

This special issue also includes six additional applied papers on invasive aquatic species in inland waters by European authors that were presented at two international meetings held in Europe in 2016 – Freshwater Invasives – Networking for Strategy II (FINSII) and a special session of the 33rd Congress of the International Society of Limnology (SIL).

18th International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species
April 21 – 25, 2013, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
Special Issue of Aquatic Invasions (September 2014, Volume 9, Issue 3):
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species.
Edited by Frances Lucy and Vadim Panov

Special Issue of Management of Biological Invasions (September 2014, Volume 5, Issue 3):
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species.
Edited by Calum MacNeil and Marnie Campbell

17th International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species
August 29 – September 2, 2010
San Diego, USA

Special Issue of Aquatic Invasions (March 2012, Volume 7, Issue 1): 
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species.
Edited by Renata Claudi and Alexander Karatayev.

16th International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species
April 19-23, 2009
Montreal, Canada

Special Issue of Aquatic Invasions (March 2010, Volume 5, Issue 1):
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species.
Edited by Frances E. Lucy.

15th International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species
September 23-27, 2007
Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Special Issue of Biological Invasions (November 2009, Volume 11, Number 9): Aquatic invaders: from success factors to ecological risk assessment. Selected Papers from the 15th International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species
Guest Edited by G. van der Velde, R.S.E.W. Leuven, R.J. Leewis and A. bij de Vaate.


Special Issue of Aquatic Invasions (October 2008, Volume 3, Issue 3):  Invasive Aquatic Molluscs – ICAIS 2007 Conference Papers and Additional Records.
Guest Edited by Frances E. Lucy and Thaddeus K. Graczyk.

12th International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species
June 9-12, 2003, Windsor ON
Selected manuscripts will be published in a special edition of the journal Biological Invasions in July 2005.
Conference coverage by CQD Journal

11th International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species
February 25-28, 2002, Alexandria VA
Conference coverage by CQD Journal

10th International Aquatic Nuisance Species and Zebra Mussel Conference
February 2000, Toronto ON

9th International Zebra Mussel and Aquatic Nuisance Species Conference
April 1999, Duluth MN

8th International Zebra Mussel and Aquatic Nuisance Species Conference
March 1998, Sacramento CA