- Halifax Convention Centre
- 1650 Argyle Street
- Halifax, NS B3J 0E6 Canada
- https://www.halifaxconventioncentre.com/
- 902-421-1302
Exhibit Space Includes
- 10’ x 8’ exhibit space with black pipe and drape.
- One 6’ skirted table and two chairs.
- Exhibitor logo and organization description in the Fourwaves platform and on the ICAIS website. Please provide your organization’s logo as .jpg or .png and as a high-resolution vector illustration in Adobe Illustrator (.ai) or .eps format.
- One full conference registration (registration code to be provided) to access all sessions and workshops.
Cost: CAD $1,350 (plus 13% HST; HST only applicable to Canadian-based organizations).
Exhibit Space Online Registration
- We are currently not accepting new exhibitors.
- If you have any questions, please contact icais@invasivespeciescentre.ca
Exhibit Spaces Available (1-10)
General Information
- The Invasive Species Centre (ICAIS Secretariat) does not sell or provide conference delegate lists to third parties. Conference registrants will be provided the participant list, but only the names of those who have provided their permission to have their names and company names included. Should you be contacted by a company offering to sell you a delegate list or any list, please be aware that they have no relationship with ICAIS and may be a scam.
- Exhibits will be located in Room C5 on the convention level of the Halifax Convention Centre. This is the room where morning and afternoon breaks will be held and the Poster Session reception.
- The exhibit area is fully carpeted.
- Access to electricity is not included with exhibit spaces and must be ordered in advance from the Halifax Convention Centre at the exhibitors’ cost.
- WiFi is available in all meeting spaces at the HCC.
- Exhibits are not required to be staffed at all times during the conference. The high-traffic periods will be during morning and afternoon networking breaks, and during the reception on Monday, May 13 from 17:30-19:30.
Exhibitor Move-in and Set-up
- Exhibit spaces will be identified by number as per the floor plan.
- Move-in will be available from 12:00-17:00 on Sunday, May 12, 2024.
Exhibitor Move-Out
- Teardown of exhibits will commence at 15:10 on Wednesday, May 15, 2024.
- All exhibit materials and equipment must be removed from the premises by 18:00 May 15, 2024.
Exhibit Hours
Monday, May 13, 2024
- AM Networking Break: 10:10-10:40.
- PM Networking Break: 14:40-15:10.
- Poster Session Reception: 17:30-19:30.
Tuesday, May 14, 2024
- AM Networking Break: 10:00-10:30.
- PM Networking Break: 14:40-15:20.
Wednesday, May 15, 2024
- AM Networking Break: 10:00-10:30
- PM Networking Break: 14:40-15:10
Shipment and Delivery of Exhibit Materials
- The Halifax Convention Centre (HCC) will not accept freight or material shipments prior to the licensed contracted move-in date/times of an event. For ICAIS 2024, that is Sunday, May 12, 2024.
- Courier services do not deliver on Sundays.
- Early deliveries must be arranged through the official trade show services partner, Global Convention Services, for advance warehousing options.
- Advance freight that arrives to the Halifax Convention Centre will be re-routed to Global’s warehouse and they will contact the shipper to make financial arrangements for storage, as well as shipping to the Halifax Convention Centre.
- For all trade shows and conventions, Global Convention Services must be employed to manage and move freight within the facility. Stranded freight left at the end of an event will be collected by Global Convention Services, and they will contact the shipper to make financial arrangements for storage and return shipping. Any goods left on the premises after an event are the responsibility of the shipper.
Crate Storage
- Exhibitors are required to make arrangements for storage of empty crates/boxes during the event. Should an exhibitor need to store crates/boxes, contact Global Convention Services to arrange for offsite storage.
Electrical Services
- The Halifax Convention Centre is the exclusive provider of all temporary electrical distribution and related equipment required for events, shows, and for all guest service providers throughout the facility.
- Individual exhibitor electrical requirements must be coordinated through Global Convention Services Ltd. who will work with Halifax Convention Centre staff to coordinate safe and effective electrical services for individual exhibitor electrical orders.
- Please send any questions about exhibiting to icais@invasivespeciescentre.ca
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