Partnership Opportunities 2026

The co-hosts of ICAIS 2026 are seeking financial support from interested groups in aquatic invasive species issues to help offset costs so that registration fees can be kept as low as possible to enable broad international participation. There are various levels of support with associated benefits. There is also the option of customizing a partnership with benefits specific to an organization’s interests, needs and budget.

ICAIS typically attracts 300 participants from 30 countries with representatives from all levels of government, industry, academia, and not-for-profit organizations.

Below is a table summarizing partnership options, and further details are in the partnership prospectus that you can download through the link provided.

The Oyster Program is an initiative to promote increased diversity by attendees from countries where financial burden is an obstacle to participation in-person or virtually.

For further details contact the Conference Secretariat.

Partnership at a Glance

Choose a level from below or customize a partnership that’s the right fit for your organization and budget.

For more details download the printable Partnership Prospectus.

GBP £15,000
USD $19,100
Giant’s Causeway
GBP £10,000
USD $12,000
Lanyon Building
GBP £5,000
USD $6,400
Mount Stewart
GBP £3,500
USD $4,500
Castle Ward
GBP £2,000
USD $2,600
Opportunity to provide brief remarks during
the partners’ reception
Opportunity to introduce a keynote speaker
Recognition from the podium during opening and closing
plenary sessions, and at other appropriate times
Logo projected in continuous loop during
program-free times
Complimentary registrations6 in-person3 in-person2 in-person1 in-person1 in-person
Invitations to private reception63211
Exhibit space
Marketing & Promotion
Announcement of the partnership through
ICAIS social media
Logo displayed on the conference website
hyperlinked to your website
Logo included in all communication materials
Logo on signage displayed at the venue throughout
the conference
Logo and 300-word organization profile in the
conference program

Oyster Programme

ICAIS is proud to once again launch the Oyster Programme for 2026 – a funding initiative to provide students with financial support for their registration and travel to participate in ICAIS and explore opportunities to achieve their career objectives, with a focus on diversity for 2026. Please consider an add-on to your level of support. A contribution to the Oyster Programme provides the following additional benefits:
► Oyster Programme recognition.
► Oyster Programme certificate of appreciation.
► Your organization listed on the Oyster Programme Honour Roll (on-site signage in the conference programme and posted on the ICAIS website).
► Recognition at appropriate times during the conference.

Other levels of contribution towards the Oyster Programme appreciated and benefits will be tailored to the level of contribution. Contact the Conference Administrator for details.