The Invasive Species Corporation was founded to discover, develop and market bio-based solutions to control invasive species in water, forestry and agriculture. Invasive species have caused more than $1 trillion in damage, with more than $420 billion annually and are considered one of the top contributors to the earth’s significant and rapid decline in biodiversity, right behind land-use alteration. ISC’s goal is to regenerate our planet’s environment through the application of bio-based, sustainable and earth-friendly solutions, thereby preserving ecological biodiversity and reversing climate change effects. The ISC is currently selling Zequanox® for invasive zebra and quagga mussel control and has a collaboration with the USGS to develop a new formulation for large water body rehabilitation and emergency treatments. Also, in collaboration with the USGS, the ISC is developing Piscamycin™ for control of invasive carp and other invasive fish. The company is in the discovery phase of a project to develop a microbial natural product (bioherbicide) for invasive and other problematic weeds, causing major damage to crop lands, reserved spaces, and waterways despite the annual use of $25 billions of synthetic chemical pesticides globally. The company recently announced that it was awarded a $388,000 grant from the Washington State Department of Agriculture to find a microbial solution to control of burrowing shrimp harming oyster beds.
At SePRO, we Protect, Preserve, and Restore the environment through agricultural, aquatic, and turf, land, and ornamental products.
Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) and the Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) are responsible for a wide range of activities including promoting habitat restoration and marine protection, protecting species and stocks, ensuring safe and accessible waterways, and supporting fishery workers and businesses. DFO and CCG work with other federal departments, other levels of government, Indigenous partners, and stakeholders to grow Canada’s ocean and freshwater economy, support the long-term sustainable growth of Canada’s fish and seafood sector, and protect the safety of mariners in Canadian waters and Canada’s marine environment. Our scientists do research and monitoring to provide advice on Canada’s fisheries management, marine protected areas, species at risk, small craft harbours and maritime safety and security.
The Aquatic Invasive Species program leads on aquatic invasive species (AIS) management through implementation of the federal Aquatic Invasive Species Regulations. This program operates under four pillars of work including: preventing arrival and establishment of new AIS; detecting early new species introductions; responding to new species detections to contain, control, and/or eradicate AIS; and control and management of already established AIS to minimize impacts. In partnership with provinces and territories, DFO coordinates actions taken to manage and prevent AIS, shares information with Canadians, and develops and implements strategies and plans to address AIS. Indigenous Peoples are key partners in AIS management within Canada, including in AIS prevention, early detection, response, and control and management activities. DFO aims to bring all Canadians together to address our shared responsibility of AIS management.
The Nova Scotia Invasive Species Council (NSISC) raises awareness and promotes a coordinated response to the threat of invasive species in Nova Scotia. Our Steering Committee is comprised of volunteers from a variety of academic, government, and non-government organizations. The NSISC is a recognized provincial chapter of the Canadian Council on Invasive Species (CCIS).
Bureau Veritas offers comprehensive testing and laboratory services through an integrated network that ensures prompt and reliable results, enabling clients to make informed decisions. Our cutting-edge facilities feature the latest analytical techniques, delivering precise outcomes tailored to the needs of industry leaders. With a commitment to regulatory compliance and safeguarding both human health and the environment, we assist clients in meeting stringent standards and regulations. Leveraging decades of local and international experience, we help mitigate risks and navigate challenges related to quality assurance, health and safety, environmental sustainability, and social responsibility. Bureau Veritas has extensive experience with the analysis of environmental DNA (eDNA) from around the globe and operates the largest commercial DNA testing center in Canada, the first private Canadian forensic biology and DNA testing laboratory to be accredited by the Standards Council of Canada (SCC).

The U.S. Geological Survey’s (USGS) Biological Threats and Invasive Species Research Program conducts science to support management of invasive species in support of our agency’s mission to deliver actionable information to decision makers within relevant timeframes. USGS research on invasive species supports Integrated Pest Management, which is the overarching umbrella within the Department of the Interior’s strategic plan for invasive species. USGS conducts research, provides expertise and technical assistance, and engages in education and outreach through its science centers and Cooperative Research Units located in nearly every US State. USGS scientists work with Federal, State, local, and other partners to prevent, detect, and identify invasive species and wildlife disease using advanced technologies. USGS biologists also predict potential distribution and impact of invaders, develop and test methods of containment and control, work with partners to determine effective restoration measures after control has been applied, and make data and data visualization tools broadly available. Examples of current USGS aquatic invasive species research ( include: The Nonindigenous Aquatic Species database ( and its tools for data and visualization and risk assessment; a research program to prevent bighead, black, and silver carp from entering and establishing populations in the Great Lakes and to assist managers to control the existing grass carp population (; and co-leadership of collaboratives in the Great Lakes to control Common Reed (Phragmites) ( and dreissenid mussels (

The Great Lakes Fishery Commission is an international organization established by the United States and Canada through the 1954 Convention on Great Lakes Fisheries. In the Convention, the GLFC is charged with three duties: conduct a bi-national science program to identify ways to nurture the maximum sustained productivity of Great Lakes fish stocks; coordinate the management of the highly multi-jurisdictional Great Lakes Fishery; and control the invasive sea lamprey. Through its programs, the GLFC facilitates successful cross-border cooperation that ensures Canada and the United States work together to improve and perpetuate the $7 billion Great Lakes fishery.

The Invasive Species Centre is a not-for-profit organization that mobilizes action against invasive species that harm the environment, economy and society.
The Invasive Species Centre has a wide range of resources here on our website to help you manage invasive species. Please check out the species profiles, which gives detailed information on common plants, water weeds and pests. Or view our monthly ISC webinar series and events series, which highlights new tools and projects. An easy way for us to stay in touch is through our regular newsletter or news feed. At the Invasive Species Centre, we are fortunate to work with a wide range of wonderful partners. We are always looking for new partners and collaborations, so if you have an idea, we’d like to hear from you at